The Prevention Program of Development Corruption By The Attorney General Office of Republic of Indonesia

  • Hibnu Nugroho Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Keywords: Prevention, Corruption, Development


The continuous existence of corruption despite eradication efforts has made all elements of the society to support the implementation of law enforcement, including the aspect of prevention. Infrastructure development plays a pivotal role in a state’s advancement, but the sector is prone to corruption. Accordingly, this paper discusses the prevention of corruption in the field of infrastructure development by the prosecutor’s office in Indonesia. This research employed juridical method in a broader sense by applying empirical approach. The key informants of this research were selected from the prosecutors’ offices. The research applied qualitative descriptive and content analyses using legal interpretation, legal principles and legal theories. The conclusion is that the Government and Development Guard and Security Team is quite beneficial to the efforts aimed at preventing and eradicating corruption. This is a Research and Development study and is part of the 2021 SKIM for Professor Facilitation Research.

How to Cite
Nugroho, H. (2021). The Prevention Program of Development Corruption By The Attorney General Office of Republic of Indonesia . International Journal of Global Community, 4(2 - July), 87 - 96. Retrieved from